Thursday, May 6, 2010

Arizona's immigration law

Debate over Arizona’s immigration law is the hot topic in the news lately. My fellow classmate posted a blog with their opinion. Although I agree with some of the points in the blog, there are a few that I have to disagree with.
Should illegal immigrants have to account for how they arrived in our country and what they are doing here? Yes! Of course they should. But, this law in Arizona is not the way to make this happen. This law allows the authorities to demand papers from any citizen living in the state should the authority figure believe that the person might be an illegal immigrant. There are thousands of Hispanic people that live in Arizona who were born in the United States, or who have become citizens properly. Can you imagine walking down the street, speaking to your immediate family in Spanish and being stopped and forced to show your papers? How humiliating and uncalled for.
The author of the blog lists some of the requirements to become a U.S. citizen. I agree that to be a citizen of the country a person should learn English, know about the Constitution, etc. But, let’s be honest here, how many people do you know that were born and raised here that don’t have “a favorable disposition toward the United States,” or good moral character. These requirements are great, but people that are from the U.S don’t meet all of them. What will we do next? Start making people born into the country meet up to these expectations or they will be deported somewhere?
People illegally immigrating to this country is a big problem. One that needs to be addressed. But, this law DOES enable racial profiling and it is wrong. There are other ways we can address this problem in our country rather than enacting laws that make people in our country, many of whom have every right to be here, anxious to leave their homes because they might be stopped and detained for being Hispanic. The very idea of it seems crazy! This is just a step in the wrong direction America.