Sunday, February 14, 2010

Sarah Palin too much of a "celebrity"?

This article about Sarah Palin asks the question, can Sarah Palin really win the Presidency in 2012? The author is stating that she is popular for being authentic and for drawing attention to herself and the Republican party. One point of view stated in the article says that she needs to choose to be either the leader of a movement or the leader of the nation, but she can't be both. This is interesting to me, because Barack Obama did both, and won the presidency. During his whole campaign he was advertising change and promoting a movement and telling everyone in this country and the world that he was going to bring change and great things for America. He was just as much a "celebrity" figure as Sarah Palin. I can't even count the number of people I saw walking around with Obama's face on their shirts, or on bumper stickers on their cars. On top of his face being EVERYWHERE, he was endorsed by more stars than pretty much any other presidential nominee. So, i agree with the conclusion of the article, which states that people better be ready for Palin, because she has a loyal following and should be able to use her "celebrity" in a positive way in the presidential bid. I think this is especially true as Obama's rating are dropping and his promises are not being fulfilled.

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