Saturday, February 27, 2010

Distracted Driving

I found this editorial about the texting while driving ban on the Statesman's website interesting, and it's a topic that I have heard all over the news and radio lately. Texting while driving IS dangerous and "distracted driving" is definitely not a good practice.

The author of this editorial makes the point that carmakers are making technology readily available at driver’s fingertips. Now we can surf the net, chat with friends, and purchase items online. All done while we are in our cars. Most of the technology available in cars works while the car is stationary. However, one can use their cell phone while going 70 down the highway. This is dangerous, and the government is deciding to do something about it. Laws are being passed to ban texting while driving, like the one in Austin now. Also, laws banning the use of cell phones in school zones are being passed.
While I agree that texting while driving is dangerous, I think these laws overstep boundaries. If there are going to be laws banning the use of cell phones in cars, then there would need to be laws banning people from talking to people in the backseat, grabbing a CD, switching the radio station, and all of the other "distractions" people do every day while driving. In an ideal world, people would keep their hands at 10 and 2 and eyes on the road at all times, but that’s just not how it goes. I drive from north Austin to downtown Austin every day and I have seen people doing some interesting things while going 65 mph. Putting on makeup, reading a book, all of these things are dangerous too. I do not agree with distracted driving, and I do think texting and driving should not be mixed, but I don't think the government should be trying to control every aspect of our lives.
The law just seems difficult to enforce and it just aims to correct one of the many distractions drivers have in their cars. People need to pay more attention on the road, but I don't think this law is going to change people's distracted behaviors.

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