Sunday, April 11, 2010

Should Abortion be illegal?

My fellow classmate, Megan posted a blog about abortion that I would like to respond to. Megan believes the government is taking away our rights little by little, and she believes that considering making abortion illegal is taking away a very important right. Megan states that the government might make it legal if the person was raped or it is medically necessary. She also makes the point that "the last thing our country needs is more unwanted babies that are brought into a non loving family...” To this I have to say: don’t have sex if you don't want a baby! Pregnancy is 100% preventable. 100%! It is your choice to have sex, and as responsible adults, we know that this can lead to pregnancy and a life.
A baby has a beating heart at about 5 weeks after fertilization. Many times, women are just realizing they are pregnant, and their baby's heart is beating. This means that when women get an abortion, they are killing a baby, stopping its beating heart. Why should women be able to choose to stop a beating heart? Because it's "their body their right?" Well then, they should choose to not have sex with their body, and then there would be no baby to have to worry about. The baby should have rights, it did not ask to be brought into the world, and should have a chance at life. As for the people that have an unwanted child, there are always other options. Millions of people are unable to have children and would love to adopt a baby. Women should and do have the right to choose. The choice is in whether or not to have sex. Not whether or not to take another human life away.

1 comment:

  1. The Founding Fathers were interested in building an empire that would contend and possibly lead the world.

    In order for this to happen, discipline was necessary.
    Economics and leadership structure are the core principles of written documents that are interpreted in an ever changing republic which guide our time through history.

    The Government of this abundant country has one job; interpret the Constitution.
    What is that profound document primarily based on: John Locke's theory of a social contract.
    Yes, we give up sovereignty in order to have control in a broad world of ideas and power, but never were we or are we subjected to give up our personal freedoms that relate to the broad well being of a culture.

    Let us not forget what guided the American experience, (dissent from Great Britain)...Liberal Democracy.

    -Liberal democracy reveres INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS and express faith in popular control of government.

    I trust my government to do what is best for my country and the majority, based on the majority. That is logical.

    What is not logical?
    My Government supplementing individual morals and ethics.

    Slavery is an ethical issue. My government intervened which makes my stance somewhat incredible.

    But what is wrong about slavery..the lack of equality and personal freedom, right? obviously.
    these are the concepts that championed after amendments 13,14, and 15 were added to the Constitution.
    It was unethical and immoral to not grant these individuals the liberty that every other person in America was exercising and taking advantage of.

    Our Government may decide what is ethical or unethical and act accordingly which benefits the greater good.
    The fine line is drawn once you consider what is immoral enough for action in legislation.
    Does the effect or cause of the issue a question of ethics or individual right? or both?

    In the case of American bondage, both issues were addressed, so thus the outcome is a part of history.

    When it comes to abortion, the undeniable liberty of choice is most emphasized.
    LIBERTY,hmmmm.... I have heard that word somewhere before?
    I think its part of our country's foundational doctrine, i dunno...

    Abortion is an ethical issue. Most would agree it is wrong. Therefore the Government is currently playing a neutral and moral pleasing role.
    Unless the unwanted pregnancy involves rape, incest, or is medically necessary, the gov't stays out.
    This position keeps our innate human rights in respect.

    That concept of humans being naturally free is the core pillar of our world.

    Jennifer, you tend to agree with Republicans?

    You must not agree with the concept of mandated health care? (in addition to other aspects of the bill)

    So, then it disconcerts me that you would be on board with mandating human life!?

    Now, I know comparing health insurance to human life is grossly distinctive but lets take a look at the broad scheme, the bigger picture. It comes to down to essence of existence.
    What is the essence of our existence?
    These are the things we are left with once everything else is stripped.
    Our Goverment should never manipulate, control, of inhibite these elements.

    Just like Megan stated, after abortion becomes illegal, what's next?

    I don't even get to choose the doctor that will help me through a pregnancy... maybe its too late!
