Saturday, April 3, 2010


So, as you can probably tell if you've read any of my other posts, I'm not exactly an Obama fan. I'm also definitely not a fan of the new healthcare bill. As a nursing student, this bill, now a law, has been of interest to me.
In my opinion, this is just a horrible idea, and something that is not good for our country. I know a lot of people think this is going to bring great change and good things for the people in this country who cannot afford to pay for healthcare and for those who have pre-existing medical conditions. As a child, I watched my parents struggle as well as my grandparents. My grandfather had lung cancer and the medical bills that ensued were outrageous. I DO think something needs to be done to “fix” our healthcare system. However, I DO NOT think this is the answer.
One of the main reasons this is a bad idea is because there are so many little things packed into this law that the bad definitely out-weighs the good.
For example, with this bill, it will now be harder for people to deduct healthcare expenses from their taxes. Last year, medical expenses had to be at least 7.5% of a person's income in order for them to qualify for deduction. Now, medical expenses will need to be 10% of a person's income to qualify. This is going to shut out millions of working Americans that can use this deduction.
This is just one small example of the many things wrong with this bill and one example of the "sneaky" things crammed into the bill. This is not the answer to our healthcare problems, and as Americans start to realize all of the "hidden gems" in the bill, I think they wil start agreeing with me.

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