Monday, March 8, 2010

Obama improving America's image... or maybe not...

I found a great post from Power Line, which talks about Obama's failure to come through on yet another promise, connecting with the people of the world. John, from the Power Line brings up the point that during his campaign, one of the key arguments he made was that he would improve America's image around the world. He got so many to believe this on the assumption the anti-American attitudes were because of the Bush administration. Of course, the reality of it is that many people around the world have hatred and feel bitterness for America for lots of reasons, including the fact that they disagree with many of our values.
Obama had planned to visit Indonesia, and recently there have been protests against him, during these protests, people were throwing shoes at pictures of Obama and writing "terrorist" on pictures of his face. John makes a good point here as well, does the shoe throwing sound familiar people? This is the same behavior people exhibited toward President Bush.
It sure doesn't seem like he's doing very good at improving our image. This is just another example of Obama's promises falling through.

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